Item:Large gift of Ûri

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Large gift of Ûri
  • Bind to Account on Acquire
  • Item Level: 5
  • Minimum Level 140
  • "A bag of ancient Umbari coins, prized by the citizens, desired by the Order of the Eagle and The Ledger-keepers.

    This item is worth 500 Allegiance Points."
  • Worth: 16 Copper 
  • Stacks to 100

Item Information

Using this item awards allegiance points with Umbar Allegiances: The Order of the Eagle, and The Ledger-keepers.

You must join the Order of the Eagle or The Ledger-keeper allegiance before you can redeem this item

Quest Information

This item is a reward for completing the following quest(s):

Barter Information

Barterer: Mâkhda Khorbo Quartermaster in Bej Mâgha, and Temple of Utug-bûr Quartermaster in the Vestibule of Utug-bûr

Item(s) to Receive Item(s) to Trade

5 Large gifts of Ûri  Menacing Tentacle

Deed Information

This item is a reward for completing the following deed(s):

See also